Sunday, February 24, 2008

Career Services

Not sure you chose the correct career path or where your life is headed? Career Services has the answers and the help you are looking for!

Career Services at Elizabethtown College is an excellent resource for major exploration and career planning. Career counselors are available to help students choose a major that matches their interests. Also, counselors can assist students who have decided that their current area of study is no longer the path they want to follow. The focus is on helping students make positive career choices that will bring joy, success, and prosperity in the future.

In addition to major exploration, Career Services also assists upperclassmen with career choices. They have a range job, job fair, internship, and graduate school information. Career counselors are also available to review résumés and cover letters, in order to ensure that “all the hard work will pay off.” Opportunities are also available for mock interviews and making alumni connections.

For more information visit contact Jane Nini (director of Career Services) at

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