Friday, February 29, 2008

Education for Educators

Elizabethtown offers bachelor degrees in elementary education, secondary education, and music education. Students pursuing elementary education certification often concentrate in one of the following areas: early childhood, special needs, urban, or middle level. Many elementary education majors take nearly all of their classes in Nicarry Hall. The first floor contains classrooms and offices for professors and the administrative staff. Their doors are often open, and they are willing to answer questions and discuss issues.

As an elementary and special education major, I have benefited from field experiences each year. My second semester, Etown sent me to a preschool. I have also worked in an urban kindergarten class, elementary and high school learning support classes, and a fourth grade class in an affluent district. The variety, length, and depth of the placements Etown provides prepares its graduates for whatever location and level we choose to pursue.

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