Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Masters Center

The New Master's Center here at Elizabethtown College is the newest building on Campus. It is actually home to three different buildings. The three buildings are Musser, Lyet and Esbenshade. Each building is a part of different departments which is nice because each building is more like a wing of the Master's Center.

The first thing you'll notice when you walk into the Master's Center is the spacious lounge. this lounge is for students to be able to have a large work space to use. There are TVs there that have the news, as well as other channels, to keep students engaged with the world around them. There is also a rock collection on display donated by the individual who gave the grant for the building itself. There is also an atrium in the middle of the three building as a middle ground for all three.

Musser is home to the science departments. It is mainly for chemistry, however, there is still some biology courses that take place in there. Lyet, the newest of the three is a big part of the Master's Center, but is mainly to give the Biology Department their own wing. Now that the Biology Department has moved there, it gave the Chemistry Department more room to flourish. Esbenshade is home to the Math, Physics, and Occupational Therapy Departments here on campus. The newly renovated Esbenshade Hall now has a new third floor computer room and new offices for professors.

Overall the Master's Center is a grand new addition to the beautiful campus of Elizabethtown College. If you don't believe us, schedule a tour and come check it out for yourself!

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