Thursday, February 21, 2008

Student Involvement at Etown

Student involvement is an important part of Elizabethtown College. The Office of Student Activities (OSA) serves as the primary resource for involvement. In addition to the annual traditions of Elizabethtown, including homecoming festivities and T.G.I.S. weekend, OSA is an excellent resource for becoming involved in over eighty clubs on campus.

The clubs and groups at Elizabethtown encompass a wide array of interests. Some include: department clubs specific to major/minor interests, religious organizations, honors societies, cultural awareness groups, musical and performing arts clubs, and even athletics. Each semester, OSA sponsors a student involvement fair to showcase the 80+ clubs and groups that Etown has to offer. Here, students have the opportunity to sign-up and become members of clubs that fit their interests.

Still can’t find a club to match your interests?...Create your own! Students have the ability to create new clubs and organization, where they can share their passion with others. New groups are forming all the time at Elizabethtown to adapt to the students’ diverse talents and interests.

For more information about clubs and other groups at Elizabethtown, check out the student group index at

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